Brookstone School, a college preparatory school founded in the Judeo-Christian ethic and committed to academic excellence, endeavors to build in its students the core values of loyalty, courage, wisdom, honor, service, respect, and leadership.
Brookstone Upper School's college preparatory curriculum includes rigorous on-level courses, challenging honors and AP courses, and unique and engaging electives, all offered on our one hundred acre campus.
9th - 12th
Middle School students are challenged to succeed academically, to develop social skills and strong qualities of leadership, to appreciate the worth and dignity of others, to value personal honesty and character, and to understand the value of service to others.
6th - 8th
The Intermediate School is designed to allow for a gradual transition from the Lower School to the independence of Middle and Upper School. With only 4th and 5th graders in the building, our students have a unique opportunity to take on leadership roles and new challenges.
4th - 5th
The Lower School is in the business of growing voracious readers, problem-solving math students, and authentic writers, while including Spanish, art, music, physical education, and elements of science, technology, and engineering in the curriculum.
Kindergarten - 3rd
The Brookstone 3K and Pre-K are not stand alone programs, but are integrated into the overall school curriculum in order to prepare our students for the next level at Brookstone. The 3K and Pre-K classes provide a creative and secure place for young children to grow and learn.
Brookstone at a Glance
Why Brookstone?
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This morning, our seniors presented their Deliberate Life Projects, showcasing the knowledge, skills, and growth they’ve gained this year. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication!
Core Values
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Join us for the Upper School Spring Musical: The Drowsy Chaperone!
Brookstone School, a college preparatory school founded in the Judeo-Christian ethic and committed to academic excellence, endeavors to build in its students the core values of loyalty, courage, wisdom, honor, service, respect and leadership. This mission is carried out through the strong relationships, and exceptional people devoted to our community. With a highly developed and intentional focus on servant leadership and character development, Brookstone prepares its students for lives of engagement and service to others.