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Middle School

Brookstone Middle School welcomes the chal­lenge of helping students grow and find success during the transitional years of pre-adoles­cence. Throughout the three year program, students are challenged to succeed academi­cally, to develop social skills and strong quali­ties of leadership, to appreciate the worth and dignity of others, to value personal honesty and character, and to understand the value of service to others.

Brookstone Middle School is a 1:1 technology school to supplement and enhance each student’s educational experience. In addition to English, grammar, math, science, social studies, and world languages, middle school students take physical education daily and choose from elec­tives including band, chorus, piano, drama, speech, computer, and art.

Leadership and character education are also an important part of the middle school curriculum. Our Junior Prefect Leadership Program provides students with leadership and service opportunities, while our advising program, with our school counselor and advisors, focuses on character development.

Middle School Parent Resources